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TEC: We are in the Industry of People

I’ve sat and cared enduringly for the dying and those facing death; it is a humbling experience.

I’ve sat and considered the sum total of someone’s life to be tallied up in just a few words within a eulogy and headstone; this is humbling.

What can we show for our “three score years plus 10 may number, four score years if granted the vigour” according to the Sages. We are like dust in the wind. What do we have to show for it?

If it contains mention of human connection followed by sincere actions we're halfway there, as we know words, status and material possessions are transitory.

True connection is something to strive for but however it comes, integrity needs to run like a golden thread from personal relationships to work ones. Are we operating with absolute truth within our work relationships; are we giving enough of our authentic-self or are we unconsciously building walls; are we supporting colleagues to succeed in a collective mission; are we empowering or disempowering our workforce without realising? Relationships are the hardest thing to work on within the home, and so within the office. We spend so much time with work colleagues, why don’t we give as much time and consideration to strengthening them as we do to others who are close to us?

Workforce development is now central to successful and optimum technology enabled care services, catapulted to the front of workplace consciousness since the pandemic world. The TEC sector is in the industry of People, and now more than ever service users cannot be without the tenacious and enduring concern of the healthcare professionals who support them, who in turn cannot feel empowered without the service managers who make things happen for them, who in turn need the inspired leadership that believes in them and affords freedom to Action back down the chain.

We are all linked within that chain, we cannot do this alone.

TSA is here to support you in your workforce development needs, reach out as we add further TEC-focused courses, learning journeys and bespoke programmes:


CASE STUDY >> How transforming workforce helped local authority deliver an outcomes-focused digital TEC service







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