In 2021, TSA reviewed its governance structure and this has been evolving since then. The next phase has been to consider the Quality Improvement Programme Board (QIPB) and associated infrastructure.
A key objective of the changes is to enable the Boards of TSA and TEC Quality to have a better understanding of strategic sector risks and opportunities to inform TSA’s strategy and delivery plans, whilst also ensuring operational risks are managed.
From 1 July 2024, TSA is refreshing its Governance to be split into the following:
Appointments have now been made for SFAC and SRIG, whereas recruitment to the ICP will be on an ongoing basis. Current Quality Improvement Programme Board, Special Interest Group members and TEC Action Alliance partners have been automatically migrated to the ICP.
A new committee reporting to the Boards of TSA CIC and TEC Quality, made up of internal and external members to support the Boards in horizon scanning and identifying and responding to strategic sector risks and opportunities, informing TSA’s strategic direction.
Chair, SFAC & Non-Executive Director, TSA
Director, VOICE and Deputy Director, UK's national Innovation Centre for ageing
CEO, Bield Housing and Care & Non-Executive Director, TSA
Assistant Director of Think Local Act Personal (TLAP) Board
Managing Director, Taking Care & Non-Executive Director, TSA
Managing Director, Life Services, Co-op
Non-Executive Director, TSA
Global CEO, Essence SmartCare
Chief Executive, TSA
Former Director, Clinical Strategy, Workflow & Partnerships, GE Healthcare
Director of Delivery (Primary Care and Community Services), NHS England
A group replacing the Quality Improvement Programme Board, made up of internal and external members, to act in response to operational risks and opportunities by commissioning and overseeing delivery of projects to address (Innovation and Challenge Groups and Fact Checking Projects)
Chair, SRIG & Chief Executive, TSA
Lived Experience Advisor
Independent Committee Member
Operations Director, Astraline
Technical Director, Careium
Director of Membership and Consultancy Services, TSA
Head of IT, Taking Care
Chief Executive Officer, Chiptech
Head of Quality and Improvement, TEC Quality
Director Consulting Services, CGI
Technology Strategist, TSA
Managing Director, Enovation
Independent Living Sales Manager, Mole Valley District Council
A group for time-bound projects with clear deliverables, with project group members resourced from a pool of internal and external skilled panellists.
Recruitment to the ICP will be on an ongoing basis, to download a copy of the ICP recruitment pack please click here.