In October 2022, as part of continuing collaborative work between TSA and the NHS on the 999 NHS England project, TSA's Chief Executive Officer Alyson Scurfield presented to Senior Health Leads, outlining the important role TEC Monitoring Services and TEC Responders can play in reducing winter pressures on the NHS.
Following this presentation, Chief Executive of NHS England Amanda Pritchard wrote to all Integrated Care Boards (ICBs) urging them to commission QSF-certified TEC Monitoring Services to work with Urgent Community Response teams and free up around 55,000 ambulance trips each year. She highlighted that QSF is a UKAS accredited scheme – demonstrating the high quality of our certification process.
We are delighted that our QSF certified TEC Monitoring Services and Responder Service members will now be able to play a significant role in the NHS’ Going Further Winter Resilience plans.
We are proud that TSA are working in partnership with the NHS to provide solutions to these pressures, whilst helping to mitigate risks to the most vulnerable people in our communities and their families.
In the meantime, here are some resources to help bring you up to speed on the latest developments.
The Quality Standards Framework (QSF) is a set of outcome-based standards that supports organisations providing TEC products and services, based on the principles of Quality, Safety, Innovation and Continuous Improvement. With greater use of TEC services and digital solutions by service users, carers and families, the need for quality has become a "must have" in keeping people safe. The scheme is run by the independent TEC Quality and is the only UKAS accredited scheme for technology enabled care in the UK.