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Digital Health & Care Innovation Centre

The Digital Health & Care Innovation Centre (DHI) is one of Scotland’s seven innovation centres. It is a national resource, funded by the Scottish Government and the Scottish Funding Council, and has its head office within the Glasgow City Innovation District. It’s a world-leading collaboration between The Glasgow School of Art and The University of Strathclyde, with a focus on innovating in digital health and care to help the people of Scotland live longer, healthier lives while providing sustainable and inclusive economic growth. Their work focuses on four areas: facilitating collaboration between academic, industry, public and third sector partners, undertaking projects that address key health challenges, providing a cloud-based infrastructure to support data-sharing, and supporting the development of future skills and talent for the sector.


B​rowse the DHI Linkt.ree

1st Floor, Suite B, Inovo Building 121 George Street Glasgow, G1 1RD


0141 444 7074

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